[FLASH-USERS] Problem running Sedov example

Nulsen, Susan susan.nulsen at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 4 16:22:53 EDT 2019

I'm new to Flash and I am starting by trying to run the Sedov example as
described online with the simple parameter file, flash.par from

It does not run successfully:
nostromo-138: mpirun -np 4 flash4
 WARNING : Adaptive Grid did not find any refinement variables
 Grid_init: resolution based on runtime params:
  lrefine          dx              dy
      1             0.125           0.125
      2             0.063           0.063
      3             0.031           0.031
      4             0.016           0.016
      5             0.008           0.008
 MaterialProperties initialized
 Cosmology initialized
 Source terms initialized
At line 19 of file sim_readProfile.F90 (unit = 10, file =
Fortran runtime error: End of file
At line 19 of file sim_readProfile.F90 (unit = 10, file =
Fortran runtime error: End of file

I am using gfortran.

I tried adding an extra carriage return at the end of flash.par as the
instructions stressed that the file must end in a carriage return, but it
made no difference.

I am running it from my FLASH4.6/object directory.  It produces a log flie,
sedov.log, and a dump file, amr_runtime_parameters.dump, in that directory
but no data file, sedov.dat, or checkpoint or plot files.

Thank you.
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