[FLASH-USERS] Problem running Sedov example

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 4 17:08:34 EDT 2019

On Tue, 4 Jun 2019, Nulsen, Susan wrote:

>  WARNING : Adaptive Grid did not find any refinement variables
>  Grid_init: resolution based on runtime params:
>   lrefine          dx              dy
>       1             0.125           0.125
>       2             0.063           0.063
>       3             0.031           0.031
>       4             0.016           0.016
>       5             0.008           0.008
>  MaterialProperties initialized
>  Cosmology initialized
>  Source terms initialized
>  sim_rhoAmbient is   1.0000000000000000
>   iteration, no. not moved =            0           0
>  refined: total leaf blocks =            1
>  refined: total blocks =            1
>  [amr_morton_process]: Initializing surr_blks using standard orrery
> implementation
>  INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
>   Finished with Grid_initDomain, no restart
>  Ready to call Hydro_init
>  Hydro initialized
>  Gravity initialized
>  Initial dt verified

You are running a simulation with only one block.

The short parfile from the U.G. does not include refinement variables,
so FLASH sees no reason to create any blocks beyond the initial root 

>  proc           0  says (.not.numTimersAllSame), whaddayamakeofthat?
>  proc           1  says (.not.numTimersAllSame), whaddayamakeofthat?
>  proc           2  says (.not.numTimersAllSame), whaddayamakeofthat?
>  proc           3  says (.not.numTimersAllSame), whaddayamakeofthat?
> I'm not sure what whaffayamakeofthat indicates.

Most likely the FLASH timers got comfused because you run with one block 
on 4 procs, so some procs are "running empty".

Again, I recommend starting with flash.par from the Sedov simulation 
directory. It has refine_var_1 and refine_var_2.


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