[FLASH-USERS] Total energy and Laser Deposition

Acharya, Nitish nachary2 at ur.rochester.edu
Tue Mar 5 14:42:21 EST 2019

Thanks Scott. I thought it was ergs/g as the energies in FLASH calculated seemed to be all specific energies. So, I did multiply the energies by mass. Also, since it was a 2D domain, multiplication by mass was infact mass per length. This is what I did. And I was wondering what length parameter should I use to get the total energy.

One of the issue I had earlier was again about the units. Where do I look up in Flash to know what are the units for all the parameters being calculated?



From: Scott Feister <sfeister at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 2:31:24 PM
To: Acharya, Nitish
Cc: flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu
Subject: Re: [FLASH-USERS] Total energy and Laser Deposition

Hi Nitish,

Welcome to laser-plasma simulations in FLASH! I just searched my emails and saw you sent the flash-users listserv some other questions in early January -- did you ever work through those issues?

For 2D cylindrical, my understanding is that ergs is the right unit --  that FLASH is already factoring in the 2D cylindrical geometry. Anyone else chime in if you know otherwise!

By the way, if you need to define a whole bunch of beams in your .par file (e.g. if you are modeling Omega), feel free to use my helper Python script: https://github.com/phyzicist/flsuite<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_phyzicist_flsuite&d=DwMFaQ&c=kbmfwr1Yojg42sGEpaQh5ofMHBeTl9EI2eaqQZhHbOU&r=cuPKv3tS5I2VBKSHmPxoTpPzBE9dgd_ifIonFFBHfHw&m=zE3spXWZ-jf5q9ocF2MjVYCtKZKNaJh1mk578wxWCmI&s=0THGRxLDUL5iL9qKH_-MD-5pXNJM_v9qoWkGnCaBs0Q&e=>  (see examples/laserexamples.py)


On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 11:03 AM Acharya, Nitish <nachary2 at ur.rochester.edu<mailto:nachary2 at ur.rochester.edu>> wrote:


I've been working on a Laser Driven simulation for a while now. It's a case similar to the LaserSlab simulation. From what I understand, the total energy deposition from Laser at any time instant should equal the increase in total energy at that instant. I've this lasslab_LaserEnergyProfile.dat file that has information about energy deposition (in ergs) at each time step. However, since it's a 2D cylindrical domain, the total energy I get from the simulation is in ergs per some length. How do I take the azimuthal direction of the cylinder to account for the length factor to get the total energy? I Just wanted to look at the energy balance between total energy and laser deposition energy.




Nitish Acharya

Graduate Student

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Rochester

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