[FLASH-USERS] SIGSEGV 174 error in Flash 4.5

Plechaty, Christopher cplechaty at RiversideResearch.org
Mon Mar 18 09:13:44 EDT 2019

To all,

I also wanted to point out that I experimented this weekend in an attempt to figure out this SIGSEGV 174 error, and I have uncovered another one that occurs in an entirely different part of the FLASH code. It appears to occur in the Guard Cell code. I am not sure if this error is related to my original error or not, but I will post about it here.


I found that the error I list below occurs whenever I attempt to start a new simulation with my lasslab 3D deck. Experimenting with this error, I have noticed that the time this error occurs in the simulation appears to be a function of the number of blocks in my problem (nblockx, nblocky, nblockz), and the refinement level. 


I searched other posts I found some issues with guard cells in Flash 4.3 that were solved utilizing the –O0 optimization flag. Unfortunately, that does not work here. Has anyone seen this error before? 



flash4debug        0000000000E4EA7D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libpthread-2.17.s  00002AF5FDEFC6D0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        00000000004CCF2B  amr_1blk_cc_cp_re         355  amr_1blk_cc_cp_remote.F90

flash4debug        00000000004FF3F1  amr_1blk_guardcel         750  amr_1blk_guardcell_srl.F90

flash4debug        000000000072278F  amr_1blk_guardcel         737  mpi_amr_1blk_guardcell.F90

flash4debug        00000000007AFF91  amr_guardcell_            298  mpi_amr_guardcell.F90

flash4debug        0000000000460866  grid_fillguardcel         459  Grid_fillGuardCells.F90

flash4debug        0000000000552D3A  diff_advancetherm         194  diff_advanceTherm.F90

flash4debug        0000000000408D26  diffuse_                   76  Diffuse.F90

flash4debug        000000000041824D  driver_evolveflas         302  Driver_evolveFlash.F90

flash4debug        000000000044D805  MAIN__                     51  Flash.F90

flash4debug        0000000000407E9E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libc-2.17.so       00002AF5FE808445  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        0000000000407DA9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown








From: Plechaty, Christopher 
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2019 8:38 AM
To: 'Ryan Farber'
Cc: flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu
Subject: RE: [FLASH-USERS] SIGSEGV 174 error in Flash 4.5


Hi Ryan,

I have over 15 TB of free space; so unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), I do not have a space problem. 


If I restart from a check point, the code seems to crash only when it writes. This is highly suspicious. I will try your suggestions and get back to you. 





From: Ryan Farber [mailto:rjfarber at umich.edu] 
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2019 4:05 PM
To: Plechaty, Christopher
Cc: flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu
Subject: Re: [FLASH-USERS] SIGSEGV 174 error in Flash 4.5


Hi Chris,


I've seen plenty of segfaults though I haven't seen one happen during I/O before. Could you check if your cluster ran out of disk? (E.g., run "df -h") It is very odd if you were writing checkpoint files perfectly fine earlier and nothing changed and it suddenly stopped working. If you restart from the checkpoint before the issue does it crash at the same point or randomly later on? If it crashes at the same point, then you could use DDT (parallel debugging tool) or litter io_xfer_mesh_dataset.c with "printf" statements to localize the error (you might have to put "#include <stdio.h>" at the top of the file (that is, the version of the file you'd copy from object to your problem directory to preserve the original)).







On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 9:17 AM Plechaty, Christopher <cplechaty at riversideresearch.org> wrote:

To all,


I am experiencing a SIGSEGV 174 error that I cannot seem to figure it out. 


I have been running the lasslab example (in 3D) which has been modified for my purposes. The simulation runs great, and happily dumps restart and plot data files for a long time. However, after some time, FLASH decides to write a restart dump and suddenly crashes due to a SIGSEGV 174 error (placed below). 


I am running:

Flash 4.5

Intel compliers and mpi (2018)

HDF 1.8.13

Hypre 2.11.2


My cluster runs Centos 7. 


The error is as follows:

forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source             

flash4debug        0000000000E4EA7D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libpthread-2.17.s  00002ACEDECD56D0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libmpifort.so.12.  00002ACEDDB60460  __I_MPI___intel_a     Unknown  Unknown

libmpi.so.12.0     00002ACEDDEFE836  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libmpi.so.12       00002ACEDDF08184  ADIOI_GEN_WriteSt     Unknown  Unknown

libmpi.so.12.0     00002ACEDE326ABC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libmpi.so.12       00002ACEDE327B35  PMPI_File_write_a     Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        000000000098661C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        0000000000981469  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        000000000096F95A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        0000000000972536  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        000000000095036D  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        00000000009509B7  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        000000000094D295  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        0000000000706157  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        00000000007152FD  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        0000000000714B10  io_xfer_mesh_data         362  io_xfer_mesh_data.F90

flash4debug        0000000000713FA1  io_writedata_             341  io_writeData.F90

flash4debug        000000000049A5B1  io_writecheckpoin         129  IO_writeCheckpoint.F90

flash4debug        000000000049962F  io_output_                267  IO_output.F90

flash4debug        0000000000417F6F  driver_evolveflas         423  Driver_evolveFlash.F90

flash4debug        000000000044D805  MAIN__                     51  Flash.F90

flash4debug        0000000000407E9E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

libc-2.17.so       00002ACEDF5E1445  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown

flash4debug        0000000000407DA9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown


Has anyone seen this type of error before? 




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