[FLASH-USERS] The problems in tabulated EOS
zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Sun May 5 23:43:31 EDT 2019
Please forget this question. :) I have solved this. We only need to specify the two species: foil, vacu. The setup script is just like below
./setup HeatedFoil -a +mtmmmt species=foil,vacu. It will be fine for the result.
However, there is another problem. When setup it with +usm, attempting to use Hydro/HydroMain/unsplit for the simulation. It tells me that Driver/DriverMain/Split and Driver/DriverMain/Unsplit are exclusive . It seems that we can only use split solver? What should I do if
I want to use unsplit solver in hydro? Thank you very much!
发件人:zdy0903 <zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn>
发送时间:2019-05-05 21:51:10 (星期日)
收件人: "flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu" <flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu>
主题: [FLASH-USERS] The problems in tabulated EOS
I want to use use the tabulated EOS for Al in some other simulations. However, I meet a problems when excuting "make". it is just like
Eos_init.o: In function `eos_init_':
/home/zdy/Desktop/FLASH4.6/object/Eos_init.F90:123: undefined reference to `eos_initphysdata_'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:357: recipe for target 'flash4' failed
make: *** [flash4] Error 1
This is also the a problem when I make "HeatedFoil" simulation. the setup script is ./setup HeatedFoil -a +3T +usm species=foil (I want to study how to use
tabulated EOS from HeatedFoil simulation). However, there is no such problem in LaserSlab simulation ( another one uses tabulated EOS).
Is there any one knows what it is about? Thank you very much!
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