[FLASH-USERS] (no subject)

sang-yun Shin shinsy85 at gmail.com
Fri May 10 21:57:41 EDT 2019

(First, I'm sorry there are no subject ;) )

I think above density is a number density.

but usually in cfd, it should be a mass density. right? i will check it.

2019년 5월 11일 (토) 오전 10:38, sang-yun Shin <shinsy85 at gmail.com>님이 작성:

> Dear FLASH users,
> I'm studying on the laser driven implosion.
> So my simulation is used tabulated EOS & Opacity (that is, +mtmmmt +laser
> +mgd and so on.)
> Yesterday, I get errors follows as:
> (Initially simulation well occur.)
>  [ 05-10-2019  22:04:30.326 ] Species  2: Lookup dens > densMax(table): 72
> times,first for ( 23209.04    ,3.3852521E+22),highest ion dens was
> 3.3852521E+22
>  [ 05-10-2019  22:04:30.909 ] Species  2: Lookup dens > densMax(table): 36
> times,first for ( 23209.04    ,1.2562459E+22),highest ion dens was
> 1.2562459E+22
>  [ 05-10-2019  22:04:31.712 ] Species  2: Lookup dens > densMax(table): 72
> times,first for ( 23209.04    ,1.2562459E+22),highest ion dens was
> 1.2562459E+22
>  [ 05-11-2019  09:25:26.825 ] Species  2: Lookup dens > densMax(table): 72
> times,first for ( 23209.04    ,3.3852521E+22),highest ion dens was
> 3.3852521E+22
>  [ 05-11-2019  09:25:27.394 ] Species  2: Lookup dens > densMax(table): 36
> times,first for ( 23209.04    ,1.2562459E+22),highest ion dens was
> 1.2562459E+22
> I don't think the ion density of (1.E+22 ~ 1.E+23) is too large to be
> possible.
> I guess this error be made by EOS or Opacity data table range.
> Is this correct? Any other comment?
> Best regards,
> Sang Yun Shin.
> ## 신 상윤 (Sang Yun, Shin)
> ## 06974 서울특별시 동작구 흑석로 84
> ## 중앙대학교 104관 (자연과학대학, 수림과학관) 7층 704호 (이론물리연구실)
> ## Tel) None
> ## Mobile) 010-3687-9486
> ## E-mail) shinsy85 at gmail.com
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