[FLASH-USERS] some problem when setting 'restart'

Aaron Tran aaron.tran at columbia.edu
Mon May 20 23:29:25 EDT 2019

Hi Zhang,

FLASH reads the restart checkpoint file from the path specified by runtime
parameter "output_directory".  If that parameter isn't set, FLASH will try
to read the checkpoint from the current working directory (wherever you
called the flash executable from).  It looks like FLASH is doing the
latter, based on your error message.


On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 10:44 PM zdy0903 <zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn> wrote:

> Hi
>     Resently I am trying  'restart' a simulation, with the setting in
> flash.par:
> *        restart         = .true.*
> *        checkPointFileNumber=0050*
>     The checkPointFile0050 are put in the object file, which was produced
> in the same simulation with  *restart= .false.*
>     There are errors when run:
> *        [io_readData] Opening 2Dhdf5_chk_0050 for restart*
> *            ProgressHDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.10.5)
> MPI-process 0:*
> *        #000: H5F.c line 509 in H5Fopen(): unable to open file*
> *            major: File accessibilty*
> *            minor: Unable to open file*
> *        #001: H5Fint.c line 1498 in H5F_open(): unable to open file: time
> = Tue May 21 17:44:42 2019**, name = '2Dhdf5_chk_0050', tent_flags = 0*
> *            major: File accessibilty*
> *            minor: Unable to open file*
> *        #002: H5FD.c line 734 in H5FD_open(): open failed*
> *            major: Virtual File Layer*
> *            minor: Unable to initialize object*
> *        #003: H5FDsec2.c line 346 in H5FD_sec2_open(): unable to open
> file: name = '2Dhdf5_chk_0050', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or
> directory', flags= 0, o_flags = 0*
> *            major: File accessibilty*
> *            minor: Unable to open file*
> *        [H5_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READ] ERROR: opening file 2Dhdf5_chk_0050 for
> inputDriver_abortC called*
> *        couldn't open the dataset real runtime parameters*
>    Does anyone meet the problems before? Is it wrong about my HDF5 or
> checkPointFileNumber? How to modify it?
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