[FLASH-USERS] too many refinement iterations

Slavin, Jonathan jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Sep 24 09:29:52 EDT 2019

Hi Sean,

Thanks, that's a good idea. I think that I may have been using more blocks
than I needed. I'll try that out.
Is there a way, after the fact to determine how many blocks were necessary
for a run?


On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 9:15 AM Couch, Sean <scouch at msu.edu> wrote:

> Hi Jon,
> There are various temporary/scratch arrays that are allocated at runtime.
> It could be the machine is running out of memory. Some arrays are sized
> according to maxblocks (or a _multiple_ thereof). Have you tried reducing
> maxblocks compiled into the application? Also, if you can setup the code
> with `useFortran2003=True`, you will get some very useful memory usage
> statistics in the log file just before the main iteration loop info starts
> printing.
> Sean
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sean M. Couch, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Physics and Astronomy
> Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
> Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
> Michigan State University
> 567 Wilson Rd, 3260 BPS
> East Lansing, MI 48824
> (517) 884-5035 --- couch at pa.msu.edu --- www.pa.msu.edu/~couch
> On Sep 23, 2019, 11:27 AM -0400, Slavin, Jonathan <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu>,
> wrote:
> Hi Marissa,
> Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm currently letting it run, as I
> mentioned, having changed the refinement criteria to remove pressure as a
> refine_var. Before I try anything more I'd like to see how that turns out.
> Running under gdb could take some time since even using mpi with 10 cpus on
> my desktop it takes a couple hours before it starts getting into that mode
> where it keeps increasing the refinement. I could, however, compile with
> various checks enabled and at low optimization, which could produce useful
> information.
> As for the units used, here they are (note that the drag unit under
> Particles/ParticlesForces and the dust unit under Particles/ParticlesMain
> are units that I have written):
> FLASH Units used:
>    Driver/DriverMain/Split
>    Grid/GridBoundaryConditions
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/Paramesh4/prolong
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/prolong
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/headers
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/mpi_source
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/source
>  Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/utilities/multigrid
>    Grid/GridParticles/GridParticlesMapFromMesh
>    Grid/GridParticles/GridParticlesMapToMesh/Paramesh/MoveSieve
>    Grid/GridParticles/GridParticlesMove/Sieve/BlockMatch
>    Grid/GridParticles/GridParticlesMove/paramesh
>    Grid/GridSolvers/HYPRE/paramesh
>    IO/IOMain/hdf5/serial/PM
>    IO/IOParticles/hdf5/serial
>    Particles/ParticlesForces/shortRange/drag
>    Particles/ParticlesInitialization
>    Particles/ParticlesMain/active/dust
>    Particles/ParticlesMapping/Quadratic
>    Particles/ParticlesMapping/meshWeighting/MapToMesh
>    PhysicalConstants/PhysicalConstantsMain
>    RuntimeParameters/RuntimeParametersMain
>    Simulation/SimulationMain
>    flashUtilities/contiguousConversion
>    flashUtilities/general
>    flashUtilities/interpolation/oneDim
>    flashUtilities/nameValueLL
>    flashUtilities/rng
>    flashUtilities/sorting/quicksort
>    flashUtilities/system/memoryUsage/legacy
>    monitors/Logfile/LogfileMain
>    monitors/Timers/TimersMain/MPINative
>    physics/Diffuse/DiffuseMain/Unsplit
>    physics/Eos/EosMain/Gamma
>    physics/Hydro/HydroMain/split/PPM/PPMKernel
>    physics/materialProperties/Conductivity/ConductivityMain/PowerLaw
> Also note that this run uses Flash 4.3.
> Regards,
> Jon
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 11:02 AM Marissa Adams <madams at pas.rochester.edu>
> wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> I've encountered something quite similar earlier this past summer. When I
> ran with AMR on a supercomputer, it would refine all the way, then crash
> via segfault. I then tried running the same executable under gdb, and it
> ran just fine. However, while running, it wouldn't even register the
> refinement! And just pushed through the time step where it refined/crashed
> as if it were a pseudo-fixed grid. It would do this, even when I asked for
> only one level of refinement, or two. I am wondering if you can run yours
> under gdb and see if it does something similar? Then perhaps we know we are
> dealing with the same "heisenbug" I've encountered.
> After moving back to my local machine to debug further, I sorted through
> some uninitialized variables that may have been eating at the memory and
> causing that sort of crash. I added debug -O0 and additional -W flags to
> make sure it crashed appropriataely for me to sort through the weeds. It
> was a process.... but perhaps list what units you're using and I can tell
> you if I have any cross over, and what variables I initialized that seemed
> to fix the problem.
> Best,
> Marissa
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 9:05 AM Slavin, Jonathan <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've run into an issue with a simulation I'm running where, after evolving
> just fine, it begins to take more and more iterations during grid
> refinement until it fails. It's strange because I ran the same simulation
> on a different system with the same code and same parameters and it worked
> just fine. I did use different versions of the Intel fortran compiler and
> the hardware (cpus) were a bit different. But in terms of the software it
> is the same.
> I'm currently trying again with refinement on pressure removed -
> previously I refined on density and pressure now I'm trying just refining
> on density.
> If anyone has any other suggestions, I'd like to hear them.
> Thanks,
> Jon
> --
> Jonathan D. Slavin
> Astrophysicist - High Energy Astrophysics Division
> Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
> Office: (617) 496-7981 | Cell: (781) 363-0035
> 60 Garden Street | MS 83 | Cambridge, MA 02138
> --
> Jonathan D. Slavin
> Astrophysicist - High Energy Astrophysics Division
> Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
> Office: (617) 496-7981 | Cell: (781) 363-0035
> 60 Garden Street | MS 83 | Cambridge, MA 02138

Jonathan D. Slavin
Astrophysicist - High Energy Astrophysics Division
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
Office: (617) 496-7981 | Cell: (781) 363-0035
60 Garden Street | MS 83 | Cambridge, MA 02138
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