[FLASH-USERS] [EXT] Fwd: plot_var variable

Eddie Hansen ehansen at pas.rochester.edu
Wed Aug 26 09:55:28 EDT 2020

Hi Thibault,

I'm not sure if it can be put into a plot variable, but if you're using
Visit, there is a way to define an expression for each coordinate. In
Visit, go to Controls->Expressions, then click 'New'. Set the type to
'Scalar Mesh Variable', and name it whatever you want (I call mine 'xpos'
for example). Then in the Definition box, enter:


This should give you the x-position of the center of each cell. For
y-position, use '1' instead of '0' in the coord array, and 2 for z-position.

On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 8:23 AM Thibault Goudal <
thibault.goudal at u-bordeaux.fr> wrote:

> Hi dear Flash users!
> I am looking for a solution to print the (flash,x) spatial variable into a
> plot_var in the flash.par.
> This variable is included in the chk but it seems that writing plot_var_1
> = 'x   ' in the .par doens't work.
> I checked in the Flash.h but this variable doesn't exist.
> Is there a way to print this variable in the plt outputs?
> Thanks!
> --
> Thibault Goudal
> PhD Student CEA
> CELIA CNRS UMR5107 laboratory
> +33664160842
> thibault.goudal at u-bordeaux.fr

Eddie Hansen, PhD
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Rochester
607-341-6126 | Flash Center
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