[FLASH-USERS] How to use "convertspec3d" for FLASH
Zhang Daoyuan
zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Fri Jan 31 05:31:38 EST 2020
Recently, we have bought Spect3D from Prism company. Now I want to convert the checkpoint file just like "lasslab_hdf5_chk_0000" to ".exo" file in order to use that in Spect3D. I do just as what chapter 39,"convertspec3d" in user FLASH4.6 mannual wirte. However, I meet a error when I excute
convertspec3d lasslab_hdf5_chk_* --species=cham,targ.
It shows
root at ubuntu:~/Desktop/FLASH4.6.2/tools# convertspect3d lasslab_hdf5_chk_0000 --species=cham,targ
Processing File: lasslab_hdf5_chk_0000
Output Name: lasslab_hdf5_chk_0000.exo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/convertspect3d", line 409, in <module>
massfracs = massfracs )
File "/usr/local/bin/convertspect3d", line 39, in convert
ff = FlashFile(input_name)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/flash/flashfile/FlashFile.py", line 6, in __init__
self.h5file = tables.openFile(fn, "r")
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'openFile'
Exception AttributeError: "FlashFile instance has no attribute 'h5file'" in <bound method FlashFile.__del__ of <flash.flashfile.FlashFile.FlashFile instance at 0x7efdb8f77f80>> ignored
And there is no .exo output file.
Is there anyone know what it is about? Or has anyone met such problem before?
Thank you very much!
By the way, does anyone know something about the summer lessons for FLASH. Last time when I attended the ICOPS conference, Petros Tzefracos introduced the program. Does any one has more details about that?I really want to attend it this summer.
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