[FLASH-USERS] LaserSlab compilation
Aodhan McIlvenny
amcilvenny01 at qub.ac.uk
Mon Jan 6 04:54:13 EST 2020
Sorry, the system had 2 sets of compilers loaded. Once I pointed hypre
etc to the correct compiler, FLASH appears to have compiled successfully.
On 04/01/2020 23:41, Aodhan McIlvenny wrote:
> Hi Klaus,
> Thanks for the help. Please see the following:
> On 04/01/2020 23:20, Klaus Weide wrote:
>> This message is from an external sender. Please take care when responding, clicking links or opening attachments.
>> On Sat, 4 Jan 2020, Aodhan McIlvenny wrote:
>>> Sorry for the naivity of my message, I am only beginning to use FLASH. I am
>>> having an issue getting the laserslab example to run when running make. While
>>> the example appears to setup correctly, following up with make produces the
>>> attached error. I'd really appreciate if someone could point out my error. I
>>> also am attaching the Makefile I am using.
>> Your Makefile.h has different values for FFLAGS_HYPRE and CFLAGS_HYPRE.
>> As a result, your compilations of Fortran sources have
>> -I/users/40082858/hypre/src
>> while your compilations of C sources have
>> -I/users/40082858/hypre/src/include
>> on the command line.
>> Normally the include directories should be the same for Fortran and C, and
>> you will have to figure out which one is the correct location on your
>> system.
> Thank you for spotting this. I believe it is now fixed. (new Makefile
> attached) However I am getting another error (also attached) relating
> to the hypre release name. Does this help in any way?
>> If you have further problems, you should let us know at least which
>> version of the HYPRE library is installed on your system, and how it was
>> compiled or installed.
> I compiled hypre-2.11.2 with cmake/3.5.2/gcc-4.8.5.**
>> Btw. I suggest you run make without any '-j' flags, at least while
>> debugging compilation problems. The compilation may take longer, but this
>> often makes it easier to spot which step is failing.
>> Klaus
> Thanks again,
> Aodhan
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