[FLASH-USERS] Range of Chamber Pressure in LaserSlab Simulation

Eddie Hansen ehansen at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Jan 8 09:50:45 EST 2020

Since FLASH treats everything as a fluid, a "vacuum" region is initialized
by setting a relatively low density and temperature. Typical values are
1.e-6 g/cm3 and 290 K (slightly lower than room temperature). These values
are usually low enough to get the hydrodynamics right.

You can use a lower density if you need to, but it may slow down the
simulation if you have magnetic fields in the vacuum region. It would also
slow down the simulation if you somehow lowered the density but maintained
the original pressure.

If you're looking at emission by post-processing your simulation results,
then just getting the hydrodynamics right should be good enough. What I
mean is, you could force your post-processing to ignore the vacuum, thus
whatever you had set to be the vacuum pressure becomes irrelevant.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 3:04 AM Zhang Shizheng <zsz526654434 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn>

> Hi all,
>      I am trying to use LaserSlab to study the evolution of the electrons,
> which needs the vacuum environment in order not to affect the emission of
> the electrons. I want to know what is the minimum chamber pressure I can
> set? or in what pressure range is the simulation result accurate?
> Thanks,
> Shizheng.
> ------------------------------
> Zhang Shizheng
> Xi'an Jiaotong University
> Institute for Science and Technology of Laser and Particle Beams

Eddie Hansen, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
University of Chicago
607-341-6126 | Flash Center
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