[FLASH-USERS] Issues with MPI and meshreplication and rad-hydro problems
Nelson, Peter
nelspete at oregonstate.edu
Tue Mar 3 19:49:57 EST 2020
Hello Flash-Users,
I am having some trouble understanding how to run MPI with some rad-hydro
problems. At first I thought it was just my setup, but I experience the
same issue with the laserSlab problem.
I have a 1-d, spherical, 3T, MGD Rad-hydro, parameshAMR simulation
(FLASH4.6.2). I initialize with a high radiation internal energy over a
few cells at the center of the sphere. When I initialize with a
meshcopycount value of 1, the values I set during simulation_initBlock are
correct before the simulation begins to evolve. If I set the meshcopycount
to be greater than 1, the total internal energy that is written into the
interior cells looks correct when I check them before and after the
eos_wrapped call in simulation_initBlock, but when the simulation starts
the integrated internal energy is a factor of meshcopycount greater than
the value I am trying to set. The integrated internal energy is seen in
the .dat file, and in the affect on the simulation.
Changing the domain size, nblockx, split/unsplit, refinement level (same
issue in uniform grid) does not change the internal energy values. Only
the meshcopycount value seems to cause the issue.
I followed the setup suggestions regarding MGD. I calculate the radiation
temperature, use that to set the group energy values via RadTrans_mgdEFromT
then put the tradActual value into the grid cell.
I see the same issue in the laserSlab and Shafronov example problems. I
tried the RadBlastWave problem as well and it has essentially the same
problem E_total in the .dat doubles when meshcopycount = 2
In all of the rad-hydro simulations the only way I can run multiple
processors is by increasing the meshcopycount. If I leave meshcopycount at
1 then I get an error such as (for laserSlab example with -np 2):
"Driver init all done
Fatal error in MPI_Recv: Invalid rank, error stack:
MPI_Recv(204): MPI_Recv(buf=0x2ced6e0, count=40, MPI_BYTE, src=40,
tag=1000, comm=0x84000000, status=0x7fffccf359c0) failed
MPI_Recv(117): Invalid rank has value 40 but must be nonnegative and less
than 2
Fatal error in MPI_Recv: Invalid rank, error stack:
MPI_Recv(204): MPI_Recv(buf=0x1f97f50, count=40, MPI_BYTE, src=40,
tag=1000, comm=0x84000000, status=0x7ffe3edb32d0) failed
MPI_Recv(117): Invalid rank has value 40 but must be nonnegative and less
than 2"
Anyone have thoughts on what might be causing this and how to avoid it?
I ran a Sedov problem (hydro only) and had no issues with varying the -np
Pete Nelson
Oregon State University
PhD Candidate
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