[FLASH-USERS] Compile error from hy_uhd_energyFix declaration in hy_uhd_interface.F90

Lewis,Sean scl63 at drexel.edu
Tue May 26 22:39:48 EDT 2020

Hello FLASH users,

A combination of setup parameters in FLASH4.6.2 has revealed a compile error.
The setup call:

./setup Sedov -auto -3d +usm +gravMgrid

Will result in the following error:


      call hy_uhd_energyFix(blockID,blkLimits,dt,dtOld,del,hy_eosModeAfter,noMHD=.TRUE.)


Error: Keyword argument 'nomhd' at (1) is not in the procedure

The error is seemingly corrected by updating source/physics/Hydro/HydroMain/unsplit/hy_uhd_interface.F90, specifically the following lines in the hy_udh_energyFix subroutine declaration:

593: subroutine hy_uhd_energyFIx(blockID, blkLimits,dt,dtOld,del,eosMode,rangeSwitch,noMHD)
600: integer,OPTIONAL,intent(IN) :: rangeSwitch
601: logical,OPTIONAL,intent(IN) :: noMHD

I’d like to confirm that this is a proper fix and if any users or devs expect unforeseen issues stemming from this fix.

Thank you for your help and insights!
-Sean Lewis

Sean C. Lewis
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Physics
Drexel University
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