[FLASH-USERS] Backwards Euler for Diffusion

Camille Samulski csamulski at vt.edu
Wed May 20 14:30:22 EDT 2020

Hi Klaus,

In section 18.1.2 of the FLASH user manual the general implicit diffusion
solver is discussed, and the scheme depending on the theta value in the
equation given for the unsplit solver is implied in the chart.  I was
wondering if I could artificially set the theta value to 1.0 for a
Backwards Euler scheme?

Camille Samulski
M.S. Candidate
Virginia Tech

On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 1:33 PM Klaus Weide <klaus at flash.uchicago.edu>

> On Wed, 20 May 2020, Camille Samulski wrote:
> > Has anyone tried implementing a backwards euler scheme for the general
> > diffusion solver?  The user manual implies it is possible, but I haven't
> > been able to find any clear examples or directions on how it has been
> > implemented before.
> Hello,
> Could you please be more specific about what you are trying to do?
> Are you referring to a specific subroutine in FLASH?
> Would you please point to where you found the implication in the User's
> Guide?
> Klaus
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