Francesco Barbato francesco.barbato at u-bordeaux.fr
Wed Nov 4 11:50:50 EST 2020

Dear Klaus,

thank you for the suggestion.

I have tried it and of course another error show up.
It complains with an unterminated '#ifdef' at row 216 of 
thsc_ThomsonFormFactor.F90. I have replaced '##endif' with '#endif'.
After that the compilation end with 'SUCCESS'

Now when I run flash the result is:
"DRIVER_ABORT: ThomsonScattering_init: No Thomson scattering beam 
and I haven't turn on the setup variable ThscDemo

Francesco Barbato

Il giorno mer 4 nov 2020 alle 10:21, Klaus Weide 
<klaus at flash.uchicago.edu> ha scritto:
> On Wed, 4 Nov 2020, Francesco Barbato wrote:
>>  Dear All,
>>  after a system update when I try to setup a LaserSlab simulation I 
>> get an
>>  error (enclosed there is a print of the error).
>>  Could be related to the new version of MPI
>>  (<<https://www.open-mpi.org/faq/?category=mpi-removed>>)?
> Yes, it appears that that page points to the reason.
> As recommended there, calls of MPI_Type_extent in the FLASH code 
> should be
> replaced with MPI_Type_get_extent.
> This will include adding an additional argument (for 'lb') in second 
> place
> in the argument list in the calls. It can be an otherwise unused (but
> defined) integer variable.
> In the specific file IO/IOTypes/io_set_grid_mpi_types.c, the obsolete
> function is only called in a block subject to 'if (debugIO)'. That 
> could
> be commented out without great loss in functionality.
> Some other files will also require changes.
> Klaus

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