[FLASH-USERS] Flash not running in LaserSlab in parallel

Gabriel Perez Callejo gabriel.perez at u-bordeaux.fr
Thu Oct 8 08:05:30 EDT 2020


I am new to Flash (I have just recently installed it), and I am having 
some problems when running the LaserSlab example case in parallel.

I have installed openmpi-4.0.5, hypre-2.12.0, hdf5-1.10.7, and 
FLASH4.6.2. When I run the Sedov example using just

/./setup -auto Sedov/

/mpirun -np [number of cores] flash4/

It runs perfectly. However, when I do the same with the LaserSlab example:

/./setup -auto LaserSlab -2d +cylindrical +hdf5typeio -nxb=16 -nyb=16 
species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +laser +uhd3t +mgd mgd_meshgroups=6 

/mpirun -np [number of cores] flash4/

The code starts running, but freezes after /'Initial dt verified'/.

Strangely enough, when the same setup command is run for LaserSlab, but 
instead of running in parallel, FLASH is called to operate in serial 
mode (./flash4), the code works without any problems (it just takes a 
much longer time, obviously).

 From what I have gathered, this seems to be a problem with the hdf5 
I/O, but I have been unable to solve it, and I don't know what might be 
happening. Any thoughts about how to solve this?

Thanks everyone,

Gabriel Perez

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