[FLASH-USERS] How to get the physical coordinates of the mesh in simulation_adjustEvolution.F90

Victorien Bouffetier victorien.bouffetier at u-bordeaux.fr
Tue Sep 8 10:42:48 EDT 2020

Thank you for your answeres. 

The solution was the combination of both of your replies. 
I just launched a low resolution calculation to make a quick test and it seems to work nicely. 

Thank you so much. 

De: "Ernesto Zurbriggen" <ernesto.zurbriggen at gmail.com> 
À: "flash-users" <flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu> 
Envoyé: Mardi 8 Septembre 2020 15:38:24 
Objet: Re: [FLASH-USERS] How to get the physical coordinates of the mesh in simulation_adjustEvolution.F90 

Hi Victorien! 
Another contribution to Eddie's one. 

Look here 
>>call Grid_getBlkIndexLimits(blklst( lb),blkLimits,blkLimitsGC) 
>> call Grid_getBlkPtr(blklst(lb), blkPtr) 
you are using the argument blklst(lb), but there 
>>call Grid_getCellCoords(JAXIS, blockID,CENTER,gcell,yCoord, blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)) 
you are using blockID. That could be a mistake if you aren't defining right blockID. 

Another thing, don't forget to call the API interface, something like: use Grid_interface,ONLY: Grid_getCellCoords 

Good luck! 

El mar., 8 sept. 2020 a las 8:45, Victorien Bouffetier (< [ mailto:victorien.bouffetier at u-bordeaux.fr | victorien.bouffetier at u-bordeaux.fr ] >) escribió: 

Hi everyone! 

I would need to have acces to the physical coordinates of the mesh in the file Simulation_adjustEvolution.F90, but I don't know how to do so. I have been trying to get the physical coodinates using Grid_getCellCoords(...), but it keeps crashing. 

here is the piece of codes which fails. It shows no problem at the compilation but crashes while executing the code when entering the do procedure. 

do lb = 1, blkcnt 
call Grid_getBlkIndexLimits(blklst(lb),blkLimits,blkLimitsGC) 
call Grid_getBlkPtr(blklst(lb), blkPtr) 

do j = blkLimits(LOW,JAXIS), blkLimits(HIGH,JAXIS) 

call Grid_getCellCoords(JAXIS, blockID,CENTER,gcell,yCoord, blkLimitsGC(HIGH,JAXIS)) 

if (yCoord(j)<=y_threshold) then 


end if 
end do 
end do 

When the code crashes it returns this error pointing at the line where I have the Grid_getCellCoords(...). 

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. 

So my questions are: 
_ Am I using the right subroutine to get the physical coordinates? 
_ Do you have any idea of why it says me 'invalid memory reference' while my variables and subroutine are declared? 

Thank you so much for your patience and attention, 

Best regards, 

Victorien Bouffetier 
phd student 
Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications 
Bordeaux University 

Dr. Ernesto Zurbriggen, FAPESP posdoctoral fellow 
Email : [ mailto:ernesto.zurbriggen at craam.mackenzie.br | ernesto.zurbriggen at craam.mackenzie.br ] 
​Phone: +55 11-2114-8783 

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, 
Escola de Engenharia, 
Centro de Rádio Astronomia e Astrofísica Mackenzie (CRAAM), 
Rua da Consolação 896, 01302-907, SP, São Paulo, Brasil. 

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