[FLASH-USERS] [EXT] implementing stationary rigid body by bdry_var

Maksim Kozlov maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz
Fri Apr 9 21:41:56 EDT 2021

Many thanks to Zhu and Eddie!

On Fri, Apr 9, 2021, 7:21 PM Eddie Hansen <ehansen at pas.rochester.edu> wrote:

> The BDRY_VAR can be defined in your simulation's Config with the line:
> When you do the setup command, FLASH gathers all such lines from all
> Config files throughout the source code and puts them in Flash.h. Then you
> can use BDRY_VAR just like any other variable (e.g., DENS_VAR) in the 'unk"
> array; the array typically named solnData or solnVec, used in
> Simulation_initBlock or Simulation_adjustEvolution.
> On Fri, Apr 9, 2021, 7:42 AM Maksim Kozlov <maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz>
> wrote:
>> Dear flash users,
>> I am trying to implement a rigid body using BDRY_VAR. Following the
>> user's guide I am trying to add a variable called BDRY_VAR in a simulation
>> Config file. Can anybody  explain to me how to add BDRY_VAR to the config
>> file please? Which type is it and how do I assign its value? I am
>> completely confused because variables like DENS_VAR and other similar
>> variables are defined in Flash.h and not in config.
>> Thank you very much!
>> Maksim Kozlov
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