[FLASH-USERS] [EXT] different equations of states for different species

Maksim Kozlov maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz
Sat Feb 20 01:26:22 EST 2021

Dear Marissa, Klaus and Hanif,
Many thanks for your inputs - I really appreciate them! I do understand
that my problem goes beyond what FLASH currently does and therefore
requires significant new coding. Coding tabulated data is just a technical
problem whereas Klaus' question "How to combine "two different EoS" in
cells that contain both species?" is of essential importance. I am trying
to find some publications on this subject. Currently I think that I can
find partial pressures of both species from separate EoS. Densities of both
species are already updated by separate equations of continuity. Velocities
are updated by one momentum conservation equation which is linear in
pressure so I just need to add up all partial pressures to find "averaged"
velocity. Energy conservation equation is linear in density and pressure so
again I need to use sums of densities and pressures over all species to
update "averaged" energy (total or internal). This averaged internal
energy should be used in EoS for each species along with corresponding
density to find partial pressures of each species. Please let me know your
Thank you very much!
Maksim Kozlov

On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 11:30 PM M. B. P. Adams <madams15 at ur.rochester.edu>

> Hi all,
> This is a good yet potentially controversial question as from what I
> understand, and perhaps Petros and others would be willing to chime in
> here. I may also be misunderstanding the request here.
> Effectively FLASH does not support the self-production of “tabulated” EOS.
> Tables are something you’ll have to find resources for elsewhere, sadly.
> You can grep within the contents of the *source/* (much of these things
> can be found in the *Simulation* modules provided) for IONMIX4 files. For
> instance you’ll find some in the *LaserSlab* problem module. They end
> with **.cnr* or **.cn4*. FLASH also supports PrOpacEOS* tables (ends with
> **.prp*) however they are not provided within the source and that
> requires a patch to be applied to adjust the relevant routines.
> I hope that helps somewhat. I’d recommend building your simulation and
> utilizing the provided IONMIX4 tables you can find in the *source/* (even
> if they are not for your desired material, such as Cu) to make sure that
> your initialization and everything runs smoothly while in tandem working to
> obtain tables.
> I’d avoid asking users to share their tables though as that may put them
> in an awkward position as I think many of such things, especially for
> higher Z materials, are export controlled. When it comes to that I’d
> directly refer to the Director of the FLASH Center and stuff.
> Best,
> Marissa
> * http://www.prism-cs.com/Software/Propaceos/overview.html
> On Feb 19, 2021, at 12:19, Maksim Kozlov <maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz> wrote:
> Thank you Hanif, but as I explained in my question it does not work for me
> because FLASH solves one equation of state with mass averaged adiabatic
> index and I need two different EoS for each species.
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 10:47 PM Hanif zargarnezhad <
> h.zargarnejad at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Maksim,
>> If I understand your question correctly, you can use different
>> approaches to do it. The simple way is that using
>> Simulation_initSpecies.F90 you can define constant gas properties for
>> different species and call them to EOS  wherever is located.
>> regards,
>> Hanif Zargar
>> Fluid Mixing at Extreme conditions Laboratory
>> Texas A&M Dept. of Mechanical  Engineering
>> Graduate Research Assistant
>> On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 6:35 AM Maksim Kozlov <maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear fiends,
>>> I want to simulate hydrodynamic explosions of one material (say copper)
>>> into another material (say water). As far as I understand different Equations
>>> of State are implemented only for 3T mode and multigamma mode  simply
>>> calculates mass averaged adiabatic index and substitutes it into equation
>>> of state for ideal gas. I could redefine EoS for ideal gas by tabulated EoS
>>> but of course I need to do it separately for different materials. Any ideas
>>> on how I can do it separately would be greatly appreciated!
>>> Thank you!
>>> MAksim Kozlov
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