[FLASH-USERS] Low depo in LaserSlab example

Emma Hume eh993 at york.ac.uk
Thu Jun 10 07:19:46 EDT 2021

Dear FLASH users,

I am a new user of FLASH trying to use the code to model a fs pulse
irradiating a flat target at 15 degree incidence. These simulations are run
using an adapted version of the LaserSlab example.

We are finding that energy deposition is really low - when looking at
"lasslab_LaserEnergyProfile.dat" we see that Eout ~ Ein after 15 fs,
meaning nearly no energy is being absorbed for a pulse that should last 90
fs. A plot of depo also shows the resolution to be quite blocky, with the
leftmost cell getting substantially more energy than the rest.

I have a couple of questions:
a) When trying to increase resolution in x I encounter a paramesh error
"Paramesh error : pe 154 needed full blk 19 153 but could not find it or
only found part of it in the message buffer". Is it possible to avoid this
error or have I reached a limit of resolution?
b) To improve resolution I was thinking of increasing the number of rays,
which is currently set to 4096 for a 5.2 um radius focal spot. I have no
sense of how many rays are needed typically for a laser solid interaction,
will I need to increase this number and if so what kind of number would be
reasonable to use?
c) Are there any other settings that will help with improving the energy

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks,

Emma Hume

PhD student | York Plasma Institute
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