[FLASH-USERS] Multispecies with MGD - Seg fault Issue

Alberti, Anthony L anthony.alberti at oregonstate.edu
Tue Mar 9 15:28:39 EST 2021

Hi everyone,

I’m setting up a new simulation that incorporates the MGD, multispecies, and diffusion (for electron temperature conduction) units – see attached. This test problem is a simple 2/3D test that has two materials – one that is optically thick and another that is optically thin. The material is initially cold with a hot electron and radiation temperature at x \approx 0.0, resulting in radiation flowing through the optically thin material. It is a simple variation of the “crooked pipe” radiation transport test problem.

This setup compiles successfully, but I am getting a seg fault at runtime related to the multispecies opacity. Here is the backtrace.

 MaterialProperties initialized

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:

#0  0x7f3b095353ff in ???

#1  0x44b551 in radtrans_mgdgetbound_

       at /nfs/depot/nerc_projects/dtra_rom/FLASH4.6.2/MGD_Tunnel_2D/RadTrans_mgdGetBound.F90:29

#2  0x4ddd04 in op_setenergygroupboundaries_

       at /nfs/depot/nerc_projects/dtra_rom/FLASH4.6.2/MGD_Tunnel_2D/op_setEnergyGroupBoundaries.F90:46

#3  0x445df7 in opacity_init_

       at /nfs/depot/nerc_projects/dtra_rom/FLASH4.6.2/MGD_Tunnel_2D/Opacity_init.F90:141

#4  0x4126f6 in driver_initflash_

       at /nfs/depot/nerc_projects/dtra_rom/FLASH4.6.2/MGD_Tunnel_2D/Driver_initFlash.F90:143

#5  0x407521 in flash

       at /nfs/depot/nerc_projects/dtra_rom/FLASH4.6.2/MGD_Tunnel_2D/Flash.F90:49

#6  0x407521 in main

       at /nfs/depot/nerc_projects/dtra_rom/FLASH4.6.2/MGD_Tunnel_2D/Flash.F90:43

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
After marching through this backtrace, it seems as though the opacity initialization occurs before RadTrans_init.F90 and results in the array of reals rt_mgdBounds being empty when it is accessed on line 29 of RadTrans_mgdGetBound.F90…

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to adjust the setup to fix this?

Thanks in advance,

Tony Alberti
Postdoctoral Scholar
School of Nuclear Science and Engineering

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