[FLASH-USERS] no symbol in current context

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Mar 24 08:35:25 EDT 2021

On Sat, 20 Mar 2021, Maksim Kozlov wrote:

> I am debugging flash using gdb debugger but values of some variables are
> not displayed even though I am using "-debug" option for setup.
> Without this option some variables are optimized out. With this option they
> are displayed but when I am trying to display some other variables (for
> example DENS_VAR in hy_ppm_updateSoln) I receive the "no symbol in current
> context" message.

>  Is there any way to display these variables in gdb
> without modifying the source code?

No, not for "variables" like DENS_VAR. This gets replaced in the 
preprocessing step (before the proper compilation, but part of the 
invocation of the Fortran compiler) with an integer value*, like 1.
What the compiler proper sees is just the constant 1. The name DENS_VAR is 
not part of what it knows about, and so the name is also not part of the 
information that gdb knows.

* as per header file Flash.h, in the case of XXXX_VAR symbols.

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