[FLASH-USERS] adding source file to object

Maksim Kozlov maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz
Mon Mar 29 05:01:15 EDT 2021

ok - thank you!

On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 2:52 PM Slah Abdellaoui <slah.abdella at gmail.com>

> You better check chapter 17 (local source term) in user guide.
> On Mon, 29 Mar 2021, 10:41 Maksim Kozlov, <maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz> wrote:
>> Thank you, Slah but unfortunately I did not understand anything. What is
>> driver menu and what is Stir?
>> Best Regards
>> Maksim
>> On Mon, Mar 29, 2021, 2:17 PM Slah Abdellaoui <slah.abdella at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> You have to call the subroutine from driver menu, check the source term
>>> folder, like Stir an example of the source term.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Slah
>>> On Sun, 28 Mar 2021, 11:24 Maksim Kozlov, <maksim.kozlov at nu.edu.kz>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear FLASH users,
>>>> I would really appreciate it if you help me to resolve the following
>>>> issue. I developed my own fortran subroutine and added corresponding *.F90
>>>> source to the object directory. But the call to this subroutine is not
>>>> recognised: I receive undefined reference error. Do I need to explicitly
>>>> list this new subroutine somewhere?
>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>> Maksim Kozlov
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