[FLASH-USERS] laser vs hydro boundary

Adam Reyes adam.reyes at rochester.edu
Mon Aug 8 11:06:48 EDT 2022

Hi Antoine,

There is the runtime parameter "ed_ignoreBoundaryCondition_n
that can be turned on for each beam that should do what you want for the
beams entering the domain.

This would only change the boundary conditions the rays see upon entering
the domain. You can look at "ed_traceRays2DRec.F90" to modify whether you
want any of the boundaries to reflect rays back into the interior as
they're traced

Adam Reyes

Code Group Leader, Flash Center for Computational Science
Research Scientist, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
University of Rochester
River Campus: Bausch and Lomb Hall, 369
500 Wilson Blvd. PO Box 270171, Rochester, NY 14627
Email adam.reyes at rochester.edu
Web https://flash.rochester.edu
 (he / him / his)


On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 10:14 AM Andy Sha Liao <andy at f.energy> wrote:

> Antoine,
> You can try defining a transparent material, e.g., "glass" and placing it
> around the region where your plasma is evolving.
> Instead of tabular opacity or other options, you can just set it to
> constant and equal to zero.
> You can also try freezing the "glass" so it stays in place with BDRY_VAR.
> See if your laser can still be transmitted when the glass is frozen this
> way.
> Andy
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 9:59 AM Antoine Gintrand <
> antoine.gintrand at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Flash users,
>> I am having a problem was a laser slab simulation in 2D with a 2D
>> model of laser (not 3D to 2D). The simulation represents the heating by
>> laser of a cylinder from one side of the cylinder axis. The cylinder target
>> will be ablated by the laser and fill the box until the density in the box
>> is homogeneous.
>> Here, I would like to have reflective boundaries for the flow at all
>> edges of my 2D box in order to confine the matter inside it during the
>> heating by laser.
>> First I notice that the reflective boundary also applies to the laser
>> rays. Thus when the ray arrives at a reflective boundary it is also
>> reflected back to the interior of the box.
>> Question 1)
>> Can I have an option to separate the boundaries for the laser and for the
>> flow?
>> Question 2)
>> Is there a way to confine the plasma with reflective boundaries for the 4
>> edges
>> of the box and still, be able to let the laser heat the cylinder from a
>> side? Now my problem is that if I put a reflective boundary where the laser
>> comes from, the laser cannot enter the box, there is an error message and
>> the code crashes. Also If I try to set up the laser lens inside the box to
>> have the source of energy directly inside the closed box, it is not allowed
>> (error message :  Error message is ed_beamsCheck2DRec: Beam lens
>> (partially) inside the domain! ).
>> Any suggestions on those issues would really help me a lot,
>> Thank you very much for the help,
>> All the best,
>> Antoine
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