[FLASH-USERS] initialisation of ionisation level

Luo, Runfeng runfeng.luo18 at imperial.ac.uk
Sun Jan 30 08:54:03 EST 2022

I took a closer look at the flash_code guide, and I think I need to set up ye and sumy as mass scalars. However, when I tried to setup the problem I ran into errors as shown in setup_output. It seems that MASS SCALAR [YE] has two groups, but I am not sure how to set the default value.

From: Luo, Runfeng
Sent: 29 January 2022 22:22
To: flash-users at flash.rochester.edu <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>
Subject: initialisation of ionisation level


I wish to know how to initialise the ionisation level (ye) in FLASH code as a profile. I tried to assign values for ye in sim_initblock, but that did not seem to be working. Not sure if I was the right thing.

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