[FLASH-USERS] MHD B-field out of the plane

Ernesto Zurbriggen ezurbriggen at unc.edu.ar
Fri Jul 22 10:29:09 EDT 2022

Hi Aodhan!

Defining the initial magnetic field (bx,by,bz) in the way below for a
2D-cartesian mesh at least worked for me.

I hope that it can help you!

! Define face quantities
! Cell face-centred variables for the StaggeredMesh scheme
    do k=blkGC(LOW,KAXIS),blkGC(HIGH,KAXIS)
      do j=blkGC(LOW,JAXIS),blkGC(HIGH,JAXIS)
        do i=blkGC(LOW,IAXIS),blkGC(HIGH,IAXIS)

          !*** Campo magnético Bz
          ! Just possible cell-centred


! Define centred quantities
  do k = blkGC(LOW,KAXIS),blkGC(HIGH,KAXIS)
    do j = blkGC(LOW,JAXIS),blkGC(HIGH,JAXIS)
      do i = blkGC(LOW,IAXIS),blkGC(HIGH,IAXIS)

j , k ))

S(MAGY_VAR,i,j,k)=0.5*(Sfacey(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k)+Sfacey(MAG_FACE_VAR, i
,j+1, k ))
          S(MAGZ_VAR,i,j,k)=     Sfacez(MAG_FACE_VAR,i,j,k)

El vie, 22 jul 2022 a las 8:07, Aodhan McIlvenny (<amcilvenny01 at qub.ac.uk>)

> Hello all,
> I’ve set up an MHD simulation with the LaserSlab set up with a magnetic
> field by combining a few examples. The code works as expected when defining
> a magnetic field in the plane of the 2D simulation (cartesian or
> cylindrical) but computes a 0 or negative dt when defining it in the
> orthogonal direction (z) which is not resolved. Am I missing something
> obvious to run the simulation with a uniform magnetic field transverse to
> the simulation plane?
> Thanks in advance
> Best wishes,
> Aodhan
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*Dr. Ernesto Zurbriggen, *
*Investigador Asistente (CONICET)*

*Correo: ezurbriggen@ <ernesto.zurbriggen at craam.mackenzie.br>unc.edu.ar
<http://unc.edu.ar>Teléfono IP: (+54) 351-535 3776 (int. 75601)*
*Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental (IATE-CONICET), *
*calle Francisco Laprida 922**, CP 5000, Córdoba, Argentina. *
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