[FLASH-USERS] Unsplit Hydro Solvers in LaserSlab-like cases
xuzhao1994 at sjtu.edu.cn
Sun Jun 5 11:19:47 EDT 2022
Dear FLASH users/developers,
I am a phd student major in laser plasma interaction experiments. With the help of the FLASH code, I can simulate the plasma conditions (density, electron tempretrue, etc) which is similar to the laserslab example.
However, I am not good at radiation hydrodynamics or numerical computing. So the main help is from the mail list which contains so many kind discussions.
I see a discussion about settings for unsplit hydro solvers in the mail list ten years ago :
and the questions raised in the discussion still bothers me like in my case,
which is in 2D cylindrical geomery, high power lasers (P_max ~ 1TW) irradiate a target,
1) which order is more appropriate(order = 3 PPM or order =2 or ???)
2) which Riemann solver and slopelimiter is mroe appropriate in my case
3) how to set the run parameter use_flattening/stteepening and shockDetect, etc, ...
4) As the code is getting better and better, is there a wiki or something similar for laser plasma cases?(any online lecture/thesis will help). Now there are papers using FLASH results or comparing FLASH with other codes like HYDRA, however there are no details for the run parameters in these papers.
Thank you very much.
Zhao Xu
Zhao Xu
Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (MoE)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
800 Dongchuan Rd, Shanghai 200240,
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