[FLASH-USERS] Problem of unable to load hdf5 libraries libhdf5.so.200
Adam Reyes
adam.reyes at rochester.edu
Mon May 2 11:48:44 EDT 2022
Hi Po-Yu,
You can try adding the following to the "LIB_HDF5" inside your Makefile.h:
> -Wl,-rpath=$(HDF5_PATH)/lib
You might also want to add something similar for HYPRE should you want to
run a problem that depends on that library. I believe the issue is that the
system doesn't look by default into "/usr/local/lib" for the libraries.
Adam Reyes
Code Group Leader, Flash Center for Computational Science
Research Scientist, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
University of Rochester
River Campus: Bausch and Lomb Hall, 369
500 Wilson Blvd. PO Box 270171, Rochester, NY 14627
Email adam.reyes at rochester.edu
Web https://flash.rochester.edu
(he / him / his)
On Mon, May 2, 2022 at 10:35 AM Po-Yu Chang <pchang at mail.ncku.edu.tw> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently try to setup Flash on my machine. I followed the tutorial
> talk for OLUG in 2014. I believed that I have installed HDF5, HYPRE, and
> NetCDF successfully.
> I have HDF5 installed in the folder: /usr/local/lib/HDF5-parallel .
> I have HYPRE installed in the folder: /usr/local/lib/HYPRE .
> I have NetCDF installed in the folder: /usr/local/lib/netcdf .
> Therefore, I have set the path in the Makefile.h as following:
> HDF5_PATH = /usr/local/lib/HDF5-parallel
> HYPRE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/HYPRE
> NCMPI_PATH=/usr/local/lib/netcdf
> I am now trying the test run "Sedov" suggested in section 2.2 in the
> user guide. I compiled the project successfully. However, when I try to
> run by typing "./flash4", I got the following error message:
> ./flash4: error while loading shared libraries: libhdf5.so.200: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> However, I checked the folder "/usr/local/lib/HDF5-parallel/lib/" and
> found the following files in the folder:
> libhdf5.so
> libhdf5.so.200
> libhdf5.so.200.2.0
> In other words, "libhdf5.so.200" is in the folder.
> So, I am not sure what else can cause this problem and how to solve the
> problem.
> Did anyone encounter the same problem before? How do I solve it?
> Thank you so much.
> Cheers,
> Po-Yu
> --
> Po-Yu Chang
> Assistant Professor
> Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences (ISAPS)
> National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
> No.1, University Road,
> Tainan City 70101, Taiwan
> (TEL) +886-6-2757575 ext. 65916
> pchang at mail.ncku.edu.tw
> http://capst.ncku.edu.tw/PGS/
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