[FLASH-USERS] Laserslab: [Eos_putData] ERROR Density or Internal Energy are zero after a call to EOS!
Stylianos.PASSALIDIS at cea.fr
Stylianos.PASSALIDIS at cea.fr
Tue Oct 25 10:40:17 EDT 2022
Hello all,
after compiling Laserslab 3D (./setup -auto LaserSlab -3d +cartesian nxb=16 -nyb=16 +hdf5typeio species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +laser +uhd3t +mgd mgd_meshgroups=6 -parfile=example3d.par), I got the following error regarding EOS?
Here are the last lines of lasslab.log (which I also attach):
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.697 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 1
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.699 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 2
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.700 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 3
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.715 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.716 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase. tot blks requested: 4
[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 0 max blks 1 tot blks 4
[GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 0 max leaf blks 1 tot leaf blks
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.721 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.724 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=1, create level=1
INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.727 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=1, buffer_dim_recv=1
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.729 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=1 type=1
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.730 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=1 type=1
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.731 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=1 type=1
[Eos_putData] ERROR Density or Internal Energy are zero after a call to EOS!
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.734 ] [DRIVER_ABORT]: Driver_abort() called by PE 0
[ 10-25-2022 16:15:10.735 ] abort_message: [Eos_putData] ERROR Density or Internal Energy are zero after a call to EOS!
Additionally, I attach the flash.par which is untouched (example3d.par).
Although it gave a success while compiling, I always keep in mind that could be a library/configuration problem, so here are the used versions in the Makefile.h :
MPI_PATH =......./openmpi-4.0.1/intel--20.0.0/default
HDF5_PATH =....../hdf5-1.8.20/intel--20.0.0__openmpi--4.0.1/parallel
HYPRE_PATH =......./hypre-2.25.0/intel--20.0.0__openmpi--4.0.1/default
NCMPI_PATH =......./pnetcdf-1.12.1/intel--20.0.0__openmpi--4.0.1/default
Thank you very much for your time,
S. Passalidis
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