[FLASH-USERS] xflash3 not starting in IDL

Fogerty, Shane Patrick sfogerty at lanl.gov
Mon Dec 4 13:24:00 EST 2023

Yes, your IDL widget is too big for the screen.
IDL windows can scale with your screen's resolution and default font size.
I don't know why the box width is so large. IDL may be misidentifying your screen dimensions.

So I would start by increasing your screen resolution.
There's also some stuff you can change in your .Xdefaults file.

For additional help with that, questions are best directed toward IDL folks.

From: amar at aries.res.in <amar at aries.res.in>
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 6:43 AM
To: flash-users at flash.rochester.edu <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>; Fogerty, Shane Patrick <sfogerty at lanl.gov>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: xflash3 not starting in IDL

Dear Shane,

I fall into another issue! As you can see in the attached screenshot, towards the bottom, the 'Plot' option is not visible (perhaps the lower portion of the xflash3 prompt extends beyond screen size...); due to this, I am not able to plot any results. Is it a resolution-related issue? If yes, do we have any option to change the resolution of the xflash3 prompt?  It will be very helpful for me if you have any suggestions regarding this.

I am sorry if it is a very trivial issue.

With best regards,

From: amar at aries.res.in
To: sfogerty at lanl.gov
Cc: flash-users at flash.rochester.edu
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2023 4:16:10 PM
Subject: xflash3 not starting in IDL

Dear Shane,

Many thanks for your reply. I could see that setting $IDL_DIR properly resolved the issue, and now I can open the XFLASH3 prompt in my IDL. I have also attached a screenshot of the XFLASH3 prompt opening in my system.

With best regards,

From: sfogerty at lanl.gov
To: amar at aries.res.in, flash-users at flash.rochester.edu
Sent: Saturday, December 2, 2023 2:17:41 AM
Subject: Re: xflash3 not starting in IDL

Hi Amar,

I think you may simply be missing $IDL_DIR/lib in your $IDL_PATH.

Attached is the documentation for setting up xflash3.


From: flash-users <flash-users-bounces at flash.rochester.edu> on behalf of amar at aries.res.in <amar at aries.res.in>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:57 AM
To: flash-users <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [FLASH-USERS] xflash3 not starting in IDL

Dear FLASH users,

This is just another gentle reminder for my issue involving xflash3 not starting in IDL.

With best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: amar at aries.res.in
To: "flash-users" <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>
Cc: flash-users at flash.rochester.edu
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 4:31:18 AM
Subject: Re: xflash3 not starting in IDL

Dear FLASH users,

This is a gentle reminder for my issue regarding xflash3 not starting in IDL.

With regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: amar at aries.res.in
To: flash-users at flash.rochester.edu
Sent: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 22:31:44 +0530 (IST)
Subject: xflash3 not starting in IDL

Dear FLASH users,

After installing, I could successfully run FLASH using the command: mpirun -np 8 flash4 -par_file flash.par

I could see that the output files are produced as mentioned in user guide section 2.4.

Thereafter, I followed the guidelines to set the environment variables for xflash3 routine in my .bashrc file:

export XFLASH3_DIR=/home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0


However, when I type xflash3 and hit Enter in the idl prompt, following error messages appear instead of main widget of xflash3:

% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 216

fstartSuffix = cw_field(suf_base, title = 'suffix: ', value = '1', $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1770

fendSuffix = cw_field(suf_base, title = 'to', value = '1', $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1772

fstep = cw_field(suf_base, title = ' step', value = '1', $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1774

out_buttons = cw_bgroup(outputBase, output, column = 3, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1792

hsize = cw_field(size_base, title = 'Plot size, horizontal: ', $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1799

vsize = cw_field(size_base, title = ' vertical: ', value = 600, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1801

varMin = cw_field(rangeBase, title = 'Data range: ', $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1824

varMax = cw_field(rangeBase, title = 'to: ', xsize = 12, uvalue = 'varMax', $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1827

/nonexclusive, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1836

label_left = 'Parallel Block Distribution: ', $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1847

/nonexclusive, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1858

opt_buttons = cw_bgroup(optBase, options, column = 4, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1877

slicePlane = cw_bgroup(zoomBase, slice_options, column = 3, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1891

xmin = cw_field(xbase, title = ' xrange: ', xsize = 9, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1904

xmax = cw_field(xbase, title = 'to ', xsize = 9, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1907

ymin = cw_field(ybase, title = ' yrange: ', xsize = 9, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1911

ymax = cw_field(ybase, title = 'to ', xsize = 9, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1914

zmin = cw_field(zbase, title = ' zrange: ', xsize = 9, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1918

zmax = cw_field(zbase, title = 'to ', xsize = 9, $
% Syntax error.
At: /home/amar/Downloads/FLASH/FLASH4.7.1/tools/fidlr3.0/https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://xflash3.pro__;!!Bt8fGhp8LhKGRg!FCmPMDvhbqVdmXLLEfKZ1nnDAhgZZjlEwbLuRGw7_Y7zUEFf-rbQCzhD3_u-4B5vsJ3wFr7XFwy2_xR2$ , Line 1921
% Compiled module: XFLASH3.
% Attempt to call undefined procedure/function: 'XFLASH3'.
% Execution halted at: $MAIN$
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating overflow

Is it because of a different IDL version in my system (I have IDL Version 7.0.6 (linux x86 m32). (c) 2008, ITT Visual Information Solutions )
I shall be highly thankful for any explanation of this issue and any possible solution.

With best regards,
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