[FLASH-USERS] Is the ​implicit magnetic diffusion solver can be used for axial magnetic field in FLASH4.7

Zhang Daoyuan zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Tue Feb 28 09:08:01 EST 2023

Dear Flash Developers,

Thank you for the release of FLASH4.7. I want to ask if the newly added implicit magnetic diffusion solver can be used for axial magnetic field in R-Z 2D simulation. When I look at the "Zpinch" simulation example, I find that the axial magnetic field is not initialized. This is weird because I believe the "Zpinch" case is actually an example of MagLIF experiment. It should have axial magnetic field.Can we use the axial magnetic field in Zpinch simulation? Thank you very much!     YoursZhang

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