[FLASH-USERS] [EXT] Re: Extra Refinement for Area

Benjamin Musick musick_bj at tamu.edu
Tue Jun 6 14:56:54 EDT 2023

Hello Thomas and Sean,

For Paramesh, I have not had much success using Grid_markRefineSpecialized
but have obtained reasonably good results by calling gr_markInRectangle in

Once you refine those blocks, they will stay at that level. Logic needs to
be added to gr_markInRectangle to derefine the area if at a later time in
the simulation you desire a coarser mesh there.

Block count and max/min level of refinement may still need to be adjusted
to get good behavior.

Hope that helps you out.

On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 12:23 PM Kaldawi, Thomas <Tkal at lle.rochester.edu>

> I think I am starting to get it to work. For me, I needed to copy and
> paste some parts of the simulation_initBlock into the
> Grid_markRefineDerefine so I could loop through the x and y coordinates for
> each block. You may also need to set the
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> I think I am starting to get it to work. For me, I needed to copy and
> paste some parts of the simulation_initBlock into the
> Grid_markRefineDerefine so I could loop through the x and y coordinates for
> each block.
> You may also need to set the region wider than needed if you do not have
> enough blocks. This is the problem I was having, because I would give it a
> rectangular region, but because I did not have enough blocks in the y
> direction it would not recognize that region as part of the foil.
> Thank you for the help!
> On Jun 6, 2023, at 12:54, Lewis,Sean <scl63 at drexel.edu> wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> I am attempting something very similar (though for an astrophysical
> simulation). Assuming your setup uses Paramesh, there’s a set of routines
> meant for defining a specific region to be refined:
> /source/Grid/GridMain/paramesh/{Grid_markRefineSpecialized.F90,gr_markInRectangle.F90}.
> Grid_markRefineSpecialized can be called by Grid_markRefineDerefine() and
> given a specific rectangular (or spherical/elliptical) region to mark all
> blocks within for refinement.
> I personally have not gotten this behavior to work however, the grid seems
> to just ignore the refinement region, but it might be a place for you to
> start. I’m still running tests on this, but if anyone else has used this
> routine and thinks it may be good for Thomas please chime in. I’ll let you
> know if I make any progress with this.
> -Sean
> *Sean C. Lewis*
> Doctoral Candidate
> Department of Physics
> Drexel University
> *From: *flash-users <flash-users-bounces at flash.rochester.edu> on behalf
> of "Kaldawi, Thomas" <Tkal at lle.rochester.edu>
> *Date: *Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 10:28 AM
> *To: *"flash-users at flash.rochester.edu" <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>
> *Subject: *[FLASH-USERS] Extra Refinement for Area
> *External.*
> Hello,
> I am trying to add refinement to a specific area of the LaserSlab
> simulation. In the Pdf I sent, I have the entire simulation, which is just
> a target, support, and two very thin foils at the bottom connected to the
> support. As you can see, I have refined the edges of the target and the
> support; however, the foils are too thin to be recognized. If I increase
> the total blocks in the y direction to ~70, the two foils can easily be
> distinguished, but I do not want this much refinement in the rest of the
> simulation. Is there a way to simply add blocks/refine only a certain area
> in the simulation?
> For clarification, the foils are two different sizes, one is half a
> micron, and the other is around 30 nanometers; thus, I need a fairly high
> level of refinement for that area. Also, the foils are supposed to connect
> from the yellow/green support to the left wall. However, they cut off
> before reaching the left side of the window. So, the red foil is indeed
> supposed to appear between those sections, but for some reason it just cuts
> off even more than the second foil.
> Thanks!
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