[FLASH-USERS] Compiling FLASH code failed due to type mismatch

Habtamu Wubie habtiew at gmail.com
Sun Jun 18 15:05:04 EDT 2023

Dear Leland,

Thank you so much for the immediate response and for your support. The
*make* command now runs successfully.

Best wishes,

On Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 9:55 PM Leland Ellison <c.leland.ellison at gmail.com>

> Hi Habtamu,
> As mentioned in e.g. this user-list thread:
> https://flash.rochester.edu/pipermail/flash-users/2023-May/004009.html
> You can remedy this issue by adding "-fallow-argument-mismatch" to FFLAGS_OPT,
> FFLAGS_DEBUG, and FFLAGS_TEST in your Makefile.h.
> Good luck!
> Lee
> On Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 11:43 AM Habtamu Wubie <habtiew at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was trying to compile the FLASH code for the first time following the
>> steps in the USER GUIDE. However, I got the following error messages when I
>> run the *make *command from the *object *folder in the FLASH code folder.
>> *537 |   call MPI_Bcast(dtMinLoc(1), 5, MPI_INTEGER, pgmin,
>> dr_globalComm, error)      |                 2  *
>> * 545 |      call MPI_Bcast(extraHydroInfo, 1, FLASH_REAL, pgmin,
>> dr_globalComm, error)      |                    1*
>> *Error: Type mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument
>> at (2) (REAL(8)/INTEGER(4)).Driver_computeDt.F90:550:20:*
>> I would appreciate it so much if an experienced FLASH code user offers me
>> support to solve this problem.
>> Best regards,
>> Habtamu
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