[FLASH-USERS] Python tools
OShea, Brian
oshea at msu.edu
Tue Mar 28 11:29:15 EDT 2023
Dear Mario,
I suggest you take a look at the YT code (yt-project.org). It is Python-based, does data analysis and visualization of various sorts, and can also is a good foundation upon which you can build your own problem-specific analysis. The stable version can be installed via pip. The documentation is quite good, and there is a “yt cookbook” that can help get you up and running very quickly.
Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 28, 2023, at 11:20 AM, Mario D. Balcazar <balcazar at umich.edu> wrote:
> Dear FLASH community,
> I was wondering if someone knows a good method to import FLASH 4.6/4.7 output data into python for analysis. I have explored opening the database in Visit and exporting it from there to another format, or directly importing hdf5 files into a python script. However, it seems like retrieving the data plots is not so trivial. Any help would be appreciated for those more experienced in analyzing 2D and 3D FLASH simulation data on python. Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Mario Balcazar
> PhD Candidate
> University of Michigan
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