[FLASH-USERS] 1D CCSN make error

Ryan Farber rjfarber at umich.edu
Thu Mar 30 17:06:52 EDT 2023

Hi Peter,

I don’t think I’ve seen these specific preprocessor errors but likely you need to install Fortan, C, and C++ compilers plus hdf5 on your system or more likely update the path to your installations’ bin, lib, and include in your system’s Makefile.h

Were you able to run the Sedona problem following the QuickStart section of the user guide?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 30, 2023, at 7:58 PM, Peter Manzella <peter.manzella at maine.edu> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I went to make the FLASH test code of the 1d ccsn, and I ran across this error (see attached image "makeerror320"), I have looked in the referenced file (also attached "makeerror320reference") , and I am not sure what is going on, or even how I would go about fixing this, I sent a message to the admin of the cluster I'm using so that they are aware, as I am not sure if the error is easily fixable by them or if it was something I needed to reach out to you folks for assistance. Any help is appreciated!
> -- 
> Peter Manzella
> PhD Candidate, Department of Physics and Astronomy
> 309 Bennett Hall
> University of Maine
> peter.manzella at maine.edu
> “If you run out of ideas follow the road; you'll get there.” – Edgar Allan Poe
> <makeerror320.PNG>
> <makeerror320reference.PNG>
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