[FLASH-USERS] Noob question on initial test (Sedov) problem...
Adam Reyes
adam.reyes at rochester.edu
Tue May 16 13:41:57 EDT 2023
Hi Gary,
Is there anything being generated in the "Makefile.Depend" file? This
should be populated by the "setup_depends script when called from the
Makefile based on the "use module_name" statements in the source code setup
puts together in the object directory.
An issue I've had in the latest versions of MacOS is that they no longer
provide a "python" executable and only one for "python3". What I've done is
to make a symbolic link to homebrew's "python3" called "python" that exists
somewhere in your PATH. For example:
> ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/python3 /opt/homebrew/bin/python
Adam Reyes
Code Group Leader, Flash Center for Computational Science
Research Scientist, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
University of Rochester
River Campus: Bausch and Lomb Hall, 369
500 Wilson Blvd. PO Box 270171, Rochester, NY 14627
Email adam.reyes at rochester.edu
Web https://flash.rochester.edu
(he / him / his)
On Tue, May 16, 2023 at 5:50 PM Gary Grim <gpgrim at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am having dependent module compilation issues after setting up the Sedov
> problem that I can't seem to track down. It appears the the Makefile is
> not running the Makefile.Depend target to precompile all dependent modules
> needed. As a result I observe compilation message similar to the
> following:
> :
> /opt/homebrew/bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -cpp -MD -O2 -fdefault-real-8
> -fdefault-double-8 -Wuninitialized -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8
> -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2 Deleptonize_getBounce.F90
> /opt/homebrew/bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -cpp -MD -O2 -fdefault-real-8
> -fdefault-double-8 -Wuninitialized -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8
> -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2 Deleptonize_init.F90
> Deleptonize_init.F90:26:7:
> 26 | use RuntimeParameters_interface, ONLY : RuntimeParameters_get
> | 1
> Fatal Error: Cannot open module file 'runtimeparameters_interface.mod' for
> reading at (1): No such file or directory
> compilation terminated.
> make: *** [Deleptonize_init.o] Error 1
> If I compile by hand the module RunTimeParameters_get, and continue the
> make, the build continues to the next antecedent who's dependent module
> hasn't been precompiled. It appears the setup_depends script, below is not
> being activated and I'm not sure what in my environment or Makefile.h I
> need to change to fix this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> # Make the Makefile.Depend
> Makefile.Depend:
> @$(ECHO) Calculating dependencies
> ./setup_depends.py $(FFLAGS) $(F90FLAG
> FWIW, I'm building on an Apple Powerbook with an M2 chip, OS X Ventura and
> running Python 3.3. I've installed the gnu compilers and mpich using
> homebrew. Attached are the resultant Makefile and Makfile.h that are being
> used.
> TIA,
> Gary
> Preview attachment Makefile
> Makefile
> 9.1 KB
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=a962f33875&attid=0.2&permmsgid=msg-a:r6760791572810100590&th=18824c980cda0c5e&view=att&disp=safe&realattid=f_lhqblrbu1>
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> Preview attachment Makefile.h
> Makefile.h
> 5.3 KB
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=a962f33875&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-a:r6760791572810100590&th=18824c980cda0c5e&view=att&disp=safe&realattid=f_lhqbljyo0>
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