[FLASH-USERS] Noob question on implementing a wind condition with variable velocity
Adam Reyes
adam.reyes at rochester.edu
Thu May 25 11:09:22 EDT 2023
Hi Jonathan,
You might find it helpful to look at the JAXIS case for the USER_DEFINED
boundary condition that is implemented in the "DoubleMachReflection"
problem. Notice that you'll have to handle each of the {IJK}-axis as well
as HI & LO faces for each.
Adam Reyes
Code Group Leader, Flash Center for Computational Science
Research Scientist, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
University of Rochester
River Campus: Bausch and Lomb Hall, 369
500 Wilson Blvd. PO Box 270171, Rochester, NY 14627
Email adam.reyes at rochester.edu
Web https://flash.rochester.edu
(he / him / his)
On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 11:04 AM Ryan Farber <rjfarber at umich.edu> wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> Since you want to know your position in the y-axis, I would think that yes
> Grid_bcApplyToRegionSpecialized would be the way to go since you'll have
> access to the blockId so you can call Grid_getCellCoords. This is also in
> the docstring for GbATRS:
> ...several extra arguments over Grid_bcApplyToRegion. One is the blockHandle,
> which allows
> !! access to the coordinates information.
> Best,
> --------
> Ryan
> On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 3:36 PM JONATHAN PROCTOR <
> J.Proctor-2016 at hull.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm a new user to FLASH. I've been attempting to implement a crossflow
>> into my simulations with a velocity that is dependent upon the position in
>> the y axis. So far, I've attempted to edit the Grid_bcApplyToRegion file by
>> overwriting the DIODE boundary condition with little success. Should I
>> instead attempt this in a Grid_bcApplyToRegionSpecialized file? And
>> would I have to define the coordinates system as done in the
>> simulation_initBlock file?
>> Thank you in advance!
>> Jonathan
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