[FLASH-USERS] The laser beam

cya_ at nudt.edu.cn cya_ at nudt.edu.cn
Tue Nov 28 20:21:21 EST 2023

Dear Fernando,

Thanks for your answer! So \phi is the angle between s1 and the projection of z-axis on the elliptical target. I get it!

Thank you!

Chen Yunan

发件人:"Fernando Garcia Rubio" <fernando at pacificfusion.com>
发送时间:2023-11-29 01:28:04 (星期三)
收件人: cya_ at nudt.edu.cn
抄送: "flash-users at flash.rochester.edu" <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>
主题: Re: [FLASH-USERS] The laser beam

Hi Chen,

I believe that the equation is correct, but the Figure 17.6 might be misleading. The text above Fig. 17.6 states that \phi is the torsional angle with the z-axis, not the angle between  s1 and z. Hence, to my understanding, in order to derive s1z, one has to project into this angle (cos \phi), and then take into account the orientation of the elliptical target into the z axes (\theta - pi/2).

Hope this helps!


On Nov 28, 2023, at 2:51 AM, cya_ at nudt.edu.cn wrote:

Dear FLASH Users,

I have a question in Section of the User's Guide, which is about the laser beam. The question is why the local z-axis projection of s1 is l1cos(\phi)1cos(\theta - \pi /2) rather than l1cos(\phi)1 in equation 17.72.

Any possible suggestions would be great appreciated!

Best wishes, 
Chen Yunan

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