[FLASH-USERS] 2D spherical laserslab simulation

wenhao shen gunieve at 163.com
Tue Apr 9 22:26:58 EDT 2024

Dear FLASH users,

When simulating the laserslab case, I wanted to simulate the interaction between 2D spherical and laser. So, I modified the following code in simulation_initBlock.F90.

 if (sim_initGeom == "slab") then

              if(NDIM == 1) then

                 if ( xcent(i) <= sim_targetHeight + sim_vacuumHeight .and. &

                      xcent(i) >= sim_vacuumHeight ) then

                    species = TARG_SPEC

                 end if                

              elseif(NDIM == 2 .or. NDIM == 3) then

                 if ( xcent(i) <= sim_targetRadius .and. &

                      ycent(j) <= sim_targetHeight + sim_vacuumHeight .and. &

                      ycent(j) >= sim_vacuumHeight ) then

                    species = TARG_SPEC

                 end if

              end if


               if (sqrt((xcent(i)-sim_targetHeight)**2+(ycent(j)-sim_vacuumHeight)**2)<= sim_targetRadius) then

                  species = TARG_SPEC

              end if

           end if

The variables "sim_targetHeight" and "sim_vacuumHeight" correspond to the center position of the 2D spherical, and I defined them in flash.par as follows.


#                            #


#                            #


sim_initGeom == "sphere"

sim_targetRadius = 20.0e-04

sim_targetHeight = 20.0e-04

sim_vacuumHeight = 60.0e-04


However, when inspecting the results, I noticed that the expected circular shape did not appear in the domain; the laser simply passed through. Does anyone know how I can modify this, or could someone advise me on how to simulate the interaction between 2D spherical and laser? Any suggestion helps.




Shen WenHao

University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

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