[FLASH-USERS] Turning advection off for LaserSlab

Shah, Zahid Hussain shah858 at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 27 19:52:15 EST 2024

Hello Flash users,

I am using LaserSlab to simulate laser ablation process.

How can I turn the advection off for target region with a temperature lower than  threshold (any arbitrary value)?

Right now, I am just doing folowing in the file hy_uhd_unsplitUpdate.F90

    where (U(TELE_VAR,:,:,:) .le. 300.0 .and. U(TARG_SPEC,:,:,:) .ge. U(CHAM_SPEC,:,:,:))
        U(VELX_VAR,:,:,:) = 0.0
        U(VELY_VAR,:,:,:) = 0.0
        U(VELZ_VAR,:,:,:) = 0.0
    end where

But there is still significant advection of target into the chamber. I assume, this is due to some kind of (numerical) diffusion. Is there is any better way to turn off the advection for target region with a temperature lower than threshold?

Other way could be to adjust EOS, but I want to try turning off the advection first.

Thank you,

Zahid Hussain
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