[FLASH-USERS] Compile error

Ryan Farber rjfarber at umich.edu
Sat Jul 6 14:53:41 EDT 2024

Hi Mattia,

For now, ddding "-fallow-argument-mismatch" to your FFLAGS in your site's
Makefile.h should solve your problem.

For the future - so that you don't have to wait 10+ hours for a response ;)
Google is your friend! You can search the (voluminous) FLASH users mailing
list archives to see if other users had the same issue:

site:https://flash.rochester.edu/pipermail/flash-users/ type mismatch

If you paste the above into google, it will only search within subpages of
the website " https://flash.rochester.edu/pipermail/flash-users/" for
entries that ~match the search.

I guess there's also a webform you can fill out so you don't have to
remember the advanced search syntax:

Best of luck,

On Sat, Jul 6, 2024 at 1:17 AM Mattia Cipriani <mattia.cipriani at enea.it>

> Dear all,
> Our system has been recently upgraded and some configuration has changed.
> In particular now I am compiling with:
> - gcc (GCC) 11.3.1 20221121 (Red Hat 11.3.1-4)
> - MPI: openmpi_gcc-4.1.6
> I am getting the following error with FLASH-4.7.1
> *Driver_computeDt.F90:545:20:*
>   537 |   call MPI_Bcast(dtMinLoc(1), 5, MPI_INTEGER, pgmin,
> dr_globalComm, error)
>       |                 2
> ......
>   545 |      call MPI_Bcast(extraHydroInfo, 1, FLASH_REAL, pgmin,
> dr_globalComm, error)
>       |                    *1*
> *Error:* Type mismatch between actual argument at *(1)* and actual
> argument at (2) (REAL(8)/INTEGER(4)).
> *Driver_computeDt.F90:550:20:*
>   537 |   call MPI_Bcast(dtMinLoc(1), 5, MPI_INTEGER, pgmin,
> dr_globalComm, error)
>       |                 2
> ......
>   550 |      call MPI_Bcast(extraHydroInfo, 1, FLASH_REAL, pgmin,
> dr_globalComm, error)
>       |                    *1*
> *Error:* Type mismatch between actual argument at *(1)* and actual
> argument at (2) (REAL(8)/INTEGER(4)).
> make: *** [Makefile:116: Driver_computeDt.o] Errore 1
> I am pretty sure it depends on some incompatibility with the current
> configuration, am I right?
> Thank you for all your support.
> Best regards,
> Mattia
> ---------------------------------------------
>   Dr *Mattia Cipriani*, PhD
> *    ENEA*
>     45, Via E. Fermi
>     00044 Frascati (Rome)
>     Italy
>     Office:  Building 12
>                 Room 12223
>     Tel:       +39 069400 5145
>     Mobile: +39 328 5552077
>     Skype:  matcipriani
>     Researchgate <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mattia-Cipriani-2>
>     LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattia-cipriani-0707bb2a/>
>     ResearcherID AAG-9269-2021
> <https://publons.com/researcher/AAG-9269-2021/>
>     ORCID 0000-0002-2500-605X <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2500-605X>
> ---------------------------------------------
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