[FLASH-USERS] The better the grid accuracy, the more fluctuations and instability may occur in the calculation results

Ryan Farber rjfarber at umich.edu
Fri Jun 21 11:02:46 EDT 2024

Hi Lizy,

It would be helpful if you can provide more information to give you more
direct help :)

Can you share the MPI error? Probably you need to set the path to your MPI
installation in your /PATH/TO/FLASH/sites directory.
Regarding higher resolution producing randomly distributed data - what's
your Simulation_initBlock look like? Are you in fact generating random


On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 8:55 PM lizy <3287940670 at qq.com> wrote:

> Dear Flash Developer,
> I used two types of uniform grids, - nxb=256- nyb=128 and - nxb=128-
> nyb=56, respectively, but the results of the calculations were very
> different. The results of the more precise grid calculations were actually
> very inaccurate, and the density and other data were randomly distributed.
> What is the reason?
> In addition, I want to use multi-core operations. After setting it in
> flash. par, I entered mpirun - np 2 flash 4.8 but encountered an error.
> Should this command be performed before the ./setup command?
> Thank you very much for your answer
> Lizy
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