[FLASH-USERS] Switching Magnetic Diffusion Solvers in Zpinch Simulations

Bowen Zhu (Student at CentraleSupelec) bowen.zhu at student-cs.fr
Sat Mar 23 15:17:30 EDT 2024

Dear Community,

I'm currently exploring Z-pinch simulations in FLASH, focusing on comparing the explicit and implicit magnetic diffusion solvers. While I aim to validate computation results and address concerns about potential bugs in the implicit solver, I've encountered challenges in switching from the implicit to the explicit solver. Changing resistivitySolver from "implicit" to "explicit" doesn't seem to activate the explicit solver effectively; the simulation results mimic those without applying magnetic resistivity (useMagneticResistivity = .false.), where the plasma remains static.

As someone new to FLASH, I wonder if there are additional steps required to successfully switch to the explicit solver.

Furthermore, in my efforts to validate the solvers' differences, I discovered an example under /magnetoHD/unitTest/MagDiff that seems to implement both solvers. However, I found no description of this example in the user manual or user archives. Could anyone provide insights into the problem this example addresses and any available analytical solutions for reference?

Your guidance on these matters would be immensely appreciated.

Bon weekend,

Best regards,
Bowen ZHU
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