[FLASH-USERS] Several puzzles related to zpinch simulation.

Jiale Zheng zhengjl1103 at shu.edu.cn
Mon Mar 18 10:02:58 EDT 2024

Hello Yaoxin,

Many thanks to your help. By the way, how could I get access to IONMIX4 code, it that an open source one? I found many paper using that code and they all cited the paper you offered  me. Unfortunately, none of them or other online contents gave detailed information about the code.

Best regards


发件人:"Wu, Yaoxing" <wu1587 at purdue.edu>
发送时间:2024-03-18 20:15:13 (星期一)
收件人: "Jiale Zheng" <zhengjl1103 at shu.edu.cn>, "flash-users at flash.rochester.edu" <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>
主题: RE: [FLASH-USERS] Several puzzles related to zpinch simulation.

Hello Jiale,


I have not used the Zpinch example but I am using the LaserSlab example in FLASH which I think they are similar.


I think the Zpinch example includes 3 kinds of materials. 1). Deuterium, (sim_fill_), 2). Beryllium, (sim_line_), 3). Low-density Beryllium (sim_vacu_). The low-density Beryllium is used to simulate the vacuum. You are right. The "Be-006-imx.cn4" and "DD-006-imx.cn4" is the materials’ equation of state (EOS) and opacity which used in FLASH.


For your second questions, the IONMIX4 code could be used to generate other materials’ EOS and opacity such as Xenon and its format can be directly read by FLASH. You can find more details in this paper: “IONMIX - A CODE FOR COMPUTING THE EQUATION OF STATE AND RADIATIVE PROPERTIES OF LTE AND NON-LTE PLASMAS”.


I am not familiar about your third question. Maybe the Visit software could help to visualize your results and compare to the yt unit.


Best regards,




From: Jiale Zheng
Sent: 2024年3月18日 14:35
To: flash-users at flash.rochester.edu
Subject: [FLASH-USERS] Several puzzles related to zpinch simulation.


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Dear all:
I am using FLASH ZPinch simulation while encountering several puzzles.

1. Zpinch example file includes "Be-006-imx.cn4" and "DD-006-imx.cn4",these 2 files seem to be data related to state of quation and opacity. I cannot figure out which element is used to simulate zpinch, is that Hrodrogen? And Be is for background gas(in vaccum)?
2. Based on puzzle1, if I would like to replace zpinch simulation target/fuel(like Xenon) and background gas, where I can get those data in IONMIX4 format?
3. I tried both 1d and 2d zpinch simulation, but it seems no huge differences in visualized result of parameters like density, pressure,etc. And I tried to read two flash.par files intensively and compared with each other.  I found some variations in mesh parameters, like in 1d case there is only increment in x direction.  2d case has increments in both x and y direction.  However, when  plotting in yt, these variations seem to disappear. In other words, one can plot 2d figures in 1d case. Any nice solutions? I am using yt in Jupyter notebook.

Best regards

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