[FLASH-USERS] About Z-pinch simulation spectroscopy output.

Jiale Zheng zhengjl1103 at shu.edu.cn
Tue May 14 21:17:59 EDT 2024

Hello all,
I am using FLASH Z-PINCH simulation. However, I do not know how to analyse each simulation result with different initial conditons. To be specific, I aim at acquiring optimal EUV emission intensity at certain wavelength.
I found one proceedings paper online, which titled "SPECT3D Synthetic Self-Emission X-Ray Imaging of CESZAR Gas-Puff Z-Pinch FLASH Simulations". The author used SPECT3D to process output simulation data from FLASH and got some results about synthetic x-ray images. Unfortunately, I cannot get access to that paper. Any alternative tools for it?
I appreciate and look forward to your help.

Best regard,
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