[FLASH-USERS] Containerized FLASH error

HOLLAND, DARREN E AD-23 USAF AETC AFIT/ENP darren.holland.1 at us.af.mil
Tue Oct 22 21:01:38 EDT 2024


I'm attempting to create a static containerized version of FLASH using Apptainer.  I'd like to move the SimulationMain folder out of the source folder and container so users can add their own simulations.  I almost have this completed by adding a symbolic link in the Simulation folder to the new SimulationMain location.  However, when I do this, I get the following error using the command, "apptainer run /mnt/c/FLASH/flash4_8.sif /FLASH4.8/setup /path_to_new_loc/SimulationMain/Sedov -auto -site=icksa-docker +serialIO -objdir=/path_to_obj_dir/FLASHtest -portable"

Python Version: 3.4.0
Platform Details: linux
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/FLASH4.8/bin/setup.py", line 342, in <module>
    raise e
  File "/FLASH4.8/bin/setup.py", line 327, in <module>
  File "/FLASH4.8/bin/setup.py", line 173, in main
  File "/FLASH4.8/bin/unitUtils.py", line 707, in createMakefiles
    lowestBase = getLowestBase(unitname)
  File "/FLASH4.8/bin/unitUtils.py", line 743, in getLowestBase
    x = [p for p in parts if is_upper(p[0])]
  File "/FLASH4.8/bin/unitUtils.py", line 743, in <listcomp>
    x = [p for p in parts if is_upper(p[0])]
IndexError: string index out of range

When testing it on the Sedov example, it appears that "base" is "/" and the script does not find the correct paths.  Is there any way to modify the code so that the correct unit paths are found (note if I hard code one of the paths, then the object folder is created without error)?

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