[FLASH-USERS] FLASH 4.8 not compiling - LAPACK library error

Gabriel Pérez Callejo gabriel.perez.callejo at uva.es
Wed Oct 30 04:44:56 EDT 2024

Dear Xu,

This worked like a charm, thanks!


El 29/10/24 a las 11:27, 赵旭 escribió:
> Hi Gabriel,
> Have you tried to comment the following line in Makefile.h ?
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Fake existence of iso_c_bindings module to prevent unnecessary recompilations.
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #ifeq ($(FLASHBINARY),true)
> #iso_c_binding.mod :
> #       touch $@
> #endif
> This is works for me in FLASH 4.8
> Hope this help,
> Xu
> ----- 原始邮件 -----
> 发件人: "GABRIEL PEREZ CALLEJO" <gabriel.perez.callejo at uva.es>
> 收件人: "Eddie Hansen" <ehansen at pas.rochester.edu>
> 抄送: "flash-users" <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>
> 发送时间: 星期二, 2024年 10 月 29日 上午 8:44:01
> 主题: Re: [FLASH-USERS] FLASH 4.8 not compiling - LAPACK library error
> Dear Eddie, all,
> By adding the line LIB_LAPACK = -llapack, the compilation works. However, a new error appears (this error is also particular of version 4.8, as there is no issue with version 4.6.2).
> When doing “make -j” inside the object directory, At some point the error: " Fatal Error: Reading module ’iso_c_binding’ at line 1 column 1: Unexpected EOF” appears. The file iso_c_binding.mod is indeed empty, but that is also the case in version 4.6.2, where the same file is also empty.
> I believe this error appears when the make command starts dealing with the file “gr_GCReleaseScratch.F90”, but I am unsure. I am attaching here the STDOUT and STDERR from the process.
> Apologies for the reiterated problems, your help is much appreciated.
> Best,
> Gabriel Pérez Callejo
> Profesor Ayudante Doctor (Assistant Professor)
> Departamento de Física Teórica, Atómica y Óptica
> Universidad de Valladolid
> Valladolid, Spain
> +34 983 18 6513
> El 28 oct 2024, a las 14:04, Hansen, Eddie <ehansen at pas.rochester.edu> escribió:
> Hi Gabriel,
> On some machines, this will work:
> LIB_LAPACK = -llapack
> You can also explicitly set the lapack path in your Makefile.h just like the HYPRE and HDF5 library paths. In other words, something like this:
> LAPACK_PATH = /path_to_lapack
> LIB_LAPACK = -L${LAPACK_PATH}/lib -llapack

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