[FLASH-USERS] Problems with parallelisation
Dr. Arthur Hirsch-Passicos
a.hirsch at hzdr.de
Fri Feb 7 08:32:16 EST 2025
Hi Eddie,
I have tried without and without threadBlockList but I have the same
results as soon as I set up my case with several tasks. If launched with
only one task, I do not have this effect but it is too slow as I can't
use more than one node on the cluster, hence why I would like to be able
to set up on several nodes.
Arthur Hirsch-Passicos
On 2/7/25 14:28, Hansen, Eddie wrote:
> Hi Arthur,
> Some of the threading options are not well-supported. Do you have the
> same issues if you setup without threadBlockList, and perhaps also
> without multi-threading in your submission script?
> --
> Eddie Hansen
> Applications Group Leader
> Flash Center for Computational Science
> *From: *flash-users <flash-users-bounces at flash.rochester.edu> on
> behalf of Dr. Arthur Hirsch-Passicos <a.hirsch at hzdr.de>
> *Date: *Friday, February 7, 2025 at 3:35 AM
> *To: *flash-users at flash.rochester.edu <flash-users at flash.rochester.edu>
> *Subject: *[FLASH-USERS] Problems with parallelisation
> Dear FLASH Users,
> I am in the process of trying to parallelise my simulations so they
> run faster but I'm facing some issues in the calculations when I'm
> running the calculations with more than one task. Indeed, I see
> calculation artifacts at the junction of the tasks for all values
> saved. Here is an example with my initial electronic temperature and
> the same after some time step when I use two tasks:
> Here is my setup line:
> ./setup $currentSim -auto -2d +cartesian -maxblocks=300000 -nxb=16
> -nyb=16 +hdf5typeio species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +uhd3t +mgd
> mgd_meshgroups=1 threadBlockList=True
> My submission to the cluster, the par file for the boundaries and the
> Makefile.h I'm using are joined in the message.
> Has anyone met similar issues and if so, how did you fix that issue?
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Best regards,
> --
> Dr. Arthur Hirsch-Passicos
> Post-doctoral Researcher
> Laser Particle Acceleration Division
> Institute of Radiation Physics
> Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.
Dr. Arthur Hirsch-Passicos
Post-doctoral Researcher
Laser Particle Acceleration Division
Institute of Radiation Physics
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.
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