[FLASH-USERS] Implementing Short-Pulse Laser Heating in FLASH for Titanium Foil

Denis Ring denisring at tecnico.ulisboa.pt
Thu Feb 13 09:56:14 EST 2025

Hello all,

We have successfully run some of the basic LaserSlab examples in FLASH.

Now, we are working on simulating short-pulse laser heating of a thin 
titanium foil. The setup consists of a 50 fs pulse at an intensity of 
10¹⁶ W/cm² interacting with a 100 nm thick foil. Ideally, we would like 
to define the optical absorption within the foil using a simple 
exponential decay model—for example, following the Beer-Lambert law:

I = I₀ * exp(-αx)

where α is the known absorption coefficient, x is the depth into the 
target, and I₀ is the intensity at the surface.

This challenge may have arisen before, I’d like to ask the community if 
anyone has experience or knows of tools to help implementing this in 
FLASH. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

Denis Ring

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